Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update


Dear Patients,

At The Running Institute, we take your personal health and safety, and ours, very seriously. We follow universal precautions taking the highest level approach to minimizing the spread of any infectious situation. Every day, every time.

Due to the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have taken additional steps and safety measures to ensure that you have a safe and pleasant experience while in our office. You may have some growing concerns and we would like to put your mind at ease by reinforcing the steps we follow at all times to ensure your safety.

Following is our standard protocol at TRI now and always:

  • Sterilize and autoclave all instruments after each patient.

  • Disinfect the rooms (chairs, computers, counters and all equipment) after each and every patient.

  • Hand wash/hand sanitize before and after each patient or anytime we have to re-glove during a procedure.

  • Wear gloves, and safety glasses to help prevent the spread of communicable germs.

  • Use disposable products (paper towels, barriers, paper cups,etc).

  • Avoid cross contamination at all times.

  • Disinfect bathrooms, doorknobs, reception area, and floors.

Additional tasks we do to keep our practice safer:

  • Provide hand-sanitizer at each front desk, bathroom, and in treatment rooms for your use.

  • Once you have been seated, you may disinfect your hands, wipe down your phone (if in hand).

  • We ask that you inform our office prior to an appointment if you are experiencing any flu like symptoms such as a fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, or any known infection.

  • We ask patients who have traveled to known areas of potential coronavirus outbreak to please let us know and wait 14 days before coming in for an appointment.

  • Dismiss any patient we suspect is ill prior to treatment and reappoint at a later date.

We are closely monitoring updates from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the World Health Organization regarding the COVID-19. We will continue to seek guidance from these agencies and public health officials, and we will update you as new information becomes available.

As always, your safety and ours will continue to be of the utmost importance.

Thank you,
Dr. Michael J. Chin, DPM, FACFAS
The Running Institute