Taping, Laser and Shockwave Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain

Two of the most common complaints presented to podiatry offices throughout this country are plantar fasciitis and heel pain. Heel pain, regardless of cause, affects all age groups as well as individuals at all levels of activity. As a predominately sports medicine practice here at The Running Institute, we see a very high volume of patients complaining of heel pain.

The Running Institute is currently well equipped to treat heel pain with the latest technology, including Therapeutic Laser and Extracorporeal Pulse Activated Treatment, commonly known as EPAT or Shockwave Treatment.

Regardless of the specific diagnosis and subsequent treatment, we often include plantar fascial taping as an adjunct treatment. This procedure serves to stabilize and support the plantar fascia as well as cushion the painful heel. It works well to ease both acute and chronic heel pain and often expedites rehabilitation and allows athletes and runners to get back to their desired activities.

Michael Chin